
Balance of plant maintenance is focused on ensuring the operational integrity and reliability of all wind farm assets other than the wind turbines, including the substation(s), foundations, array cables, export cables, scour protection and corrosion protection systems.

What it costs*

About £6 million per annum for a 450 MW floating offshore wind farm.

Who supplies them

Acteon, CWind, Fred. Olsen, James Fisher Marine Services and Worley.

Technicians servicing the floating substructure at the WindFloat Atlantic project. Photo of the WindFloat Atlantic project courtesy of Principle Power/Ocean Winds.
Technicians servicing the floating substructure at the WindFloat Atlantic project. Photo of the WindFloat Atlantic project courtesy of Principle Power/Ocean Winds.

Key facts

The balance of plant forms an integral part of the wind farm system. Proactive balance of plant maintenance is a key aspect of a preventative maintenance regime.

Regular inspections of all balance of plant elements are required to ensure emerging issues are highlighted and remedial repair work is planned to avoid loss of generation.

Guide to a Floating Offshore Wind Farm