The balance of plant includes all the components of the floating offshore wind farm except the wind turbines. It also includes the transmission assets built as a direct result of the wind farm.
What it costs*
About £760 million for a 450 MW floating offshore wind farm.
Who supplies them
See relevant sections below.
Key facts
Much of the benefit of larger wind turbines on a wind farm is realised by the reduction in balance of plant costs per MWh, as larger wind turbines mean fewer structures and less cable.
Balance of plant costs for floating offshore wind farms are higher than for fixed offshore wind farms, mainly because of the increased substructure costs and more costly dynamic cables.
Balance of plant costs for floating offshore wind farms are lowest in water depths between approximately 100 and 150 m:
- Costs increase at greater water depths because of the increased mooring and cabling requirements, but this increase is not as pronounced as for fixed offshore wind farms.
- Costs also increase in water depths less than approximately 100 m, as floating substructure and mooring costs increase due to the interaction of waves with the sea bed at these depths.